We master complex feed structures to preserve the nutrient quality and to target metabolic actions of the animals
Current innovation in the feed industry is mostly on the use of novel ingredients in the feed formulation. At Huddle Corp we are convinced innovation should also come from other fields and we believe that innovative feed manufacturing processes is key in leveraging performing feeds that brings value to farmers and improve sustainability of the breeding sector.
Our innovative feed process manufacturing allow to offer a diversity of feed sizes going from microfeeds to milimetric feeds and centimetric feeds.
Reduce the pressure on ingredients by optimizing ingredient processing in the feed manufacturing processes and avoid waste. Huddle Corp allows to reduce by 10% the required amount of feeds for farming vs. traditionnal solution.
Resilient feeds, allowing targeting high quality with manufacturing that ensure the preservation of nutrients in ingredients for better effect on the animals. Huddle Corp allows to reduce by 500kg eq.CO2 per ton of feed vs. traditionnal solutions.
Efficient feeds that reduce the gaz emissions from the animals in the farms. Especially ammonium and phosphorous for aquaculture. Huddle Corp allows a reduction by 29% of those compounds with animals eating its feeds, ensuring preservation of ecosystems.
9 rue du Fondeur
44800 Saint-Herblain
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